Rocky Top K9 Logo Modifications
The original logo is on the left, with the reworked logo on the right.
Our friends at Rocky Top K9 approached us with the need for a simplification of their logo. While the original logo contained the overall idea of what they were trying to convey (a business about K9 training, fitness, and more located in East Tennessee), it had a number of complicated parts that would create difficulties in the future when wanting to use the logo on say a t-shirt or hat or other application where you may only want to use a single color to save big on printing costs. The Thomas Group took their original and simplified it, making it smaller, easier to read with greater contrast, and dropped the complicated mountain backdrop. With the simplicity of this new logo, Rocky Top K9 has been able to use their new logo in a number of ways where the old logo would have made things very difficult or expensive. Plus, The Thomas Group designed this new logo as a vector from the beginning, meaning that this logo and be resized and recolorized very easily, unlike the previous logo which was raster based.